First Blessing events typically proceed as follows.
Sign up
Children are identified through our partners at Communities in Schools, food banks, and individuals within the congregation. Parents are contacted by school counselors and volunteers from the church about their desire to participate in the First Blessing event in their area. If the parent chooses to participate, they can register through the church or on the First Blessing website by registering under the location they will participate at on our events page.
Then they will provide the name and estimated shoe size of their child. Parents will be contacted by mail, phone, and/or email and given an assigned time to arrive the day of the event.
Registration, SOCKS, and sizing
On the day of the event, families will be greeted by volunteers from the host church and given name badges. Children’s’ feet will be measured for shoe size and they will be given new socks.
shepherds and Meals
Families then proceed to meet their "Shepherd," the church volunteer who will chaperone them through the process and share information about Christ and the church if desired. The family will be provided with a hot, "sit-down" meal with the Shepherd.
shoe distribution
Families then proceed to the designated shoe and sock room, where Shepherds help parents fit children with the shoes of their choice. Typically, there are enough shoes in the shoe room so that each child can have their choice of three styles of shoe in their size. Children are provided with a new pair of socks at this point.
The First Blessing journey ends with a checkout process, where children are given a bag to carry their new shoes and provided the opportunity to donate their old shoes to GotSneakers, a sneaker recycling organization. Families are also greeted by the ministerial team, given contact information for the church, and encouraged to attend services if they do not already.
Optional events
Host churches often provide a little extra fun for the kids before they leave. The activities offered typically depend on the season in which the event occurs. Some of these activities have included feet washing, pictures with Santa, gift wrapping of shoes, Nativity scenes, kid fishing, face painting, balloon artists, games, and bounce houses. Additionally, host churches may choose to provide each family with a Bible.